Icknield Community College is a mixed comprehensive school: students are not selected for admission on the basis of aptitude or ability. We provide an education for all students within the catchment area and welcome students with disabilities.
We hope you will be able to come and visit the school on our Open Evening. Application forms for secondary schools places are issued by Local Authorities. Please consult the relevant section below. For information about appeals, including the appeals timetable, please click here.
Oxfordshire County Council will send you an information pack when your child moves into Year 6.
Further information can be found at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk or by contacting:
The Admissions Team
County Hall
New Road
Telephone: 0345 241 2487
E-mail: admissions.childrensservices@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Further information can be found at www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk or by contacting:
School Admissions
Buckinghamshire County Council
Walton Street
HP20 1UA
Telephone: 01296 383250
E-mail: admissions@buckscc.gov.uk