Year 9 French

Unit Content

Je me présente

Students learn how to understand, express ideas and give descriptions about friendships, family relationships, and arrangements to go out. They learn to describe a night out with friends and to talk about life when they were younger.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing vocabulary and structures related to self, family and friends
  • Understanding irregular verbs in the present tense, reflexive verbs in the present tense, the near future tense, the perfect tense, and the imperfect tense
  • Understanding how these three tenses can be used together

Key skills developed:

  • How to understand a variety of relevant spoken and written texts
  • How to apply vocabulary knowledge and more complex grammatical understanding to translation and writing tasks
  • How to use key structures and vocabulary to develop conversation skills

Assessment: Students are assessed formally in Term 3. The assessment ranges across all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and includes an extended piece of writing and engaging in a conversation. Informal assessment takes place throughout the unit, through interactive tasks and practice questions in all four language skills.

Mon temps libre

Students learn how to understand, express ideas and give descriptions about sporting interests, life online, books and reading, TV shows, actors and films.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing vocabulary and structures related to the context of free time
  • Understanding the use of ‘depuis’ with the present tense
  • Understanding the comparative, the imperfect tense, direct object pronouns and superlative adjectives

Key skills developed:

  • How to understand a variety of relevant spoken and written texts
  • How to apply vocabulary knowledge and more complex grammatical understanding to translation and writing tasks.
  • How to use key structures to describe a photo and engage in a role play.

Assessment: Students are assessed formally in Term 5. The assessment ranges across all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and includes an extended piece of writing and engaging in a conversation as well as a photocard and role-play task. Informal assessment takes place throughout the unit, through interactive tasks and practice questions in all four language skills.

Ma vie quotidienne

Students learn how to understand, express ideas and give information about food and mealtimes, food for special occasions, shopping for clothes, and daily life. They learn to use formal and informal forms of address, and to describe family celebrations, festivals and traditions.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing vocabulary and structures related to daily life, customs and traditions
  • Understanding the use of modal verbs 'pouvoir' and 'devoir'
  • Understanding the pronoun ‘en’
  • Understanding how questions are posed in the ‘tu’ and ‘vous’ forms
  • Understanding ‘venir de’ + infinitive
  • Understanding how tenses are combined

Key skills developed:

  • How to understand a variety of relevant spoken and written texts
  • How to apply vocabulary knowledge and more complex grammatical understanding to translation and writing tasks
  • How to use key structures to describe a photo, engage in a role play and develop conversation skills

Assessment: Informal assessment takes place throughout the unit, through interactive tasks and practice questions in all four language skills.