KS4 Citizenship, Philosophy and Ethics

Students study the following thirteen non-examined units across Years 10 and 11.

Unit Content

Year 10 Unit 1

What should we know about UK politics?

In this unit, students develop their understanding of UK political parties, and the process of elections. They reflect on their own political views.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'election', 'democracy' and 'ballot'
  • Knowing about different political parties and beliefs
  • Understanding the UK parliamentary system

Key skills developed:

  • How to debate ideas

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 10 Unit 2

How can we stay healthy and safe? (Part 1)

In this unit, students develop their understanding of issues such as healthy lifestyle choices, mental health and child sexual exploitation.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'child sexual exploitation', 'grooming' and 'anorexia'
  • Knowing with confidence which adults are responsible for safeguarding at Icknield Community College
  • Understanding the strategies that can be used to stay safe, both online and in the physical world
  • Understanding the strategies that can be used to support and improve mental wellbeing

Key skills developed:

  • How to report concerns to a trusted adult
  • How to take practical steps to make positive choices in one's own life
  • How to recognise the early signs of mental wellbeing concerns

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 10 Unit 3

How does the legal system work?

In this unit, students learn about the UK legal system. They explore topics such as the reasons for age limits, the aims of punishments and the nature of a fair trial.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'restorative justice', 'retribution' and 'reform'
  • Knowing how the legal process works, such as how a punishment is decided
  • Understanding the rights people have, for instance when they are arrested

Key skills developed:

  • How to reflect respectfully on others' ideas
  • How to explain ideas of our own

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 10 Unit 4

Where do you stand on current debates?

In this unit, students investigate a wide range of current debates, and reflect on their own responses to these. For instance, they consider responses to the refugee crisis and to racism in schools, and explore the arguments for and against the use of the death penalty.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'capital punishment', 'sustainability' and 'refugee'
  • Knowing key topics that are being debated around the world today
  • Understanding the divergent responses to these topics, and the reasons for these differences

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 10 Unit 5

What do we now know about healthy, safe relationships?

In this unit, students develop their understanding of the features of positive, safe and healthy relationships, based on love and respect. This is to encourage the development of such relationships in later life. The unit builds on the work that students completed previously in Year 9, for instance revisiting topics such as consent and sexual harassment. The unit additionally addresses topics such as online grooming.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'consent', 'grooming' and 'HIV'
  • Knowing with confidence which adults are responsible for safeguarding at Icknield Community College
  • Understanding the characteristics of positive, respectful and healthy relationships
  • Understanding that all aspects of health can be affected by choices made in sex and relationships, positively or negatively, including physical and emotional health and wellbeing

Key skills developed:

  • How to take practical steps to support or improve relationships with others
  • How to evaluate critically the impact of one's actions on others
  • How to identify harmful behaviours online and in the physical world
  • How to report concerns to a trusted adult
  • How to get further advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health advice and treatment
Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 10 Unit 6

How do we write a CV?

In this unit, students prepare for work experience, examining topics such as dress codes, working hours and use of social media. Students then reflect on employability and workplace skills. Drawing on this, and on their own work experience placement, students write a CV, which they will be able to use in future job and college or sixth form applications.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'CV', 'work experience' and 'dress code'
  • Knowing workplace expectations
  • Understanding the skills and experiences valued by employers

Key skills developed:

  • How to write a CV

Students receive feedback on their CVs.

Year 10 Unit 7

How can we stay healthy and safe? (Part 2)

In this unit, students revisit topics from earlier in the year, on safe and healthy relationships and on staying safe online. Students explore issues such as radicalisation and abortion.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'radicalisation' and 'extremist'
  • Knowing with confidence which adults are responsible for safeguarding at Icknield Community College
  • Understanding the characteristics of positive, respectful and healthy relationships
  • Understanding the strategies that can be used to stay safe, both online and in the physical world

Key skills developed:

  • How to identify harmful behaviours online and in the physical world
  • How to report concerns to a trusted adult
  • How to get further advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health advice and treatment

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 11 Unit 1

What does the future hold?

In this unit, students reflect on the post-16 options available to them, and on what Year 11 may hold. They explore strategies to help them to cope with difficulties that they may face.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'apprenticeship', 'T-levels' and 'degree'
  • Understanding the post-16 options available

Key skills developed:

  • How to plan ahead, and be resilient in the face of challenges

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 11 Unit 2

What should we know about pregnancy, abortions, and parenthood?

In this unit, students revisit their learning about the characteristics of happy, healthy and safe relationships from earlier years, for instance consolidating their understanding of consent and contraception. They additionally explore the responsibilities inherent in parenthood and the debates around abortion. Students also learn about infertility and miscarriage.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'abortion', 'sanctity of life' and 'conception'
  • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of parents with respect to the raising of children, including the characteristics of successful parenting
  • Knowing the choices in relation to pregnancy
  • Understanding the ethical debates about abortion
  • Knowing facts about reproductive health, including infertility and miscarriage

Key skills developed:

  • How to take practical steps to support or improve relationships with others
  • How to report concerns to a trusted adult
  • How to get further advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health advice and treatment

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 11 Unit 3

What should we know about work and finances?

In this unit, students explore the world of work, for instance learning about interviews, pay, tax, and online fraud. Students additionally have the opportunity to refine their CVs.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'national insurance', 'CV' and 'phishing'
  • Knowing key facts about the world of work, such as dress codes and application processes
  • Understanding financial issues, such as avoiding scams

Key skills developed:

  • How to write a CV
  • How to answer questions at an interview

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms. Students additionally receive feedback from external professionals on their CVs and on practice interviews.

Year 11 Unit 4

What should we know about medicine in the modern world? 

In this unit, students explore issues in modern medicine, such as stem cell research and genetic engineering. Students also reflect on their own views on organ donation and vaccination.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'vaccination', 'stem cell' and 'genetic engineering'
  • Knowing about personal hygiene and germs
  • Knowing science relating to immunization and vaccination
  • Knowing the benefits of regular self-examination and screening
  • Knowing the dangers of certain prescription drugs

Key skills developed:

  • How to make independent and informed choices about personal hygiene and medical matters

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 11 Unit 5

What have we learnt about happy, healthy relationships?

In this unit, students revisit their learning on happy, healthy relationships with a particular focus on issues such as revenge porn and domestic abuse.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'revenge porn' and 'domestic abuse'
  • Understanding the legal and emotional issues of sharing personal material online
  • Knowing the concepts of, and laws relating to, domestic abuse

Key skills developed:

  • How to take practical steps to make positive choices in one's own life
  • How to report concerns to a trusted adult
  • How to get further advice and support

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.

Year 11 Unit 6

What life skills will we need?

In this unit, students learn about road safety, and also revisit their first aid skills.

Key knowledge developed:

  • Knowing key vocabulary, such as 'resuscitation', 'defibrillator' and 'CPR'
  • Knowing life-saving skills, including how to administer CPR and the purpose of defibrillators
  • Understanding the responsibilities inherent in driving a car

Key skills developed:

  • How to administer CPR and use a defibrillator

Assessment: Learning is assessed formatively through use of in-class activities, class discussions and through quizzes administered using Microsoft Forms.